Sunday, August 14, 2022
Monday, August 08, 2022
Monday, March 09, 2020
Disney's The Black Hole
At present I am rewatching the Disney movie The Black Hole. An all star cast and the quality production values that Disney is known for. However, this was made in 1979 and only because of the success of Star Wars was why movies like this were getting made again. In 1969 sci-fi movies were made because of the moon landing. The cast, the script, which is kind of like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in space and
Sunday, March 08, 2020
Life with Archie #80
Well today a search that I have had for so many years then I can count came to an end. Thanks to my friend Keith Hammond I now once again have Life with Archie #80. I loved this story that I first read when I was about 7 years old. The story isn't exactly as I remembered it but as I know Archie comics did this story twice I may have mixed them up a little. First off the new character Angel looks better on the cover then he did in the actual story. He is getting all the attention of the girls. and even beats Moose in a fight after he flirts' with Midge. When Dilton tells Archie that he noticed something that could get Angel defeated, Archie fights him and it comes to a draw. The next time I saw this story Angel's secret to his defeat was that he had a low threshold for pain. So seeing that Dilton could knew that Angel had a tell sign on what punch he was going to use was a much better weakness. By the end of the story in this issue Archie won his respect and I was hoping he would become a new character that would be in the books for a long time to come. However, except for the retelling of the story in a book that I can't recall, this was his only appearance. When I informed Keith that I was looking for it he said he thought he could have it in a week or two. Two weeks later and it's now mine again. Thanks Keith.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Justice League Karaoke Night
Karaoke night at Justice League headquarters and Batman sings Goin' Down. Who knew Batman was a Monkees fan?
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Stranger in the Shadows Giveaway Kindle Contest
I know its bee a long while since I posted on my blog. However, I want to do it more often and I am starting with this contest for my latest book The Stranger in the Shadows. Just go to this link and follow the directions by following my author page on Amazon and you will be entered to win. Only two will win, but if this is a success I may do more of these contest.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Better in a Book Night Aug. 4th 2017
I got some Dinky the Elf and Door Into Murder books to sell at Better in a Book Night at the Florence Freedom in Florence, Ky. on August 4th. Get them or any of my books from the Project: Hero series.…/better-in-a-book-ni…/2029908663903140
Saturday, July 08, 2017
Spider-Man: Homecoming Review
I went to see the new movie Spider-Man: Homecoming today and
here is what my opinion is of the movie. There will be spoilers so if you haven’t
seen it yet, don’t read any farther.
First, let’s start with the good things about it. The main
thing is Michael Keaton. This man has range. He plays his multi-layered
character very well. He plays the concerned boss to the loving and caring
husband and father to the evil crime boss very well. He needs an Oscar
nomination for his part in the movie.
Tom Holland plays his part well and shows why he was chosen
to take over the role. While I wish they would have stuck with one of the
others and tried to put their previous movies into the Marvel Cinema Universe,
I can live with Mr. Holland in the role.
Using the old sixties cartoon theme as the movie theme is
great. It should have been done in the other films. This is the one thing they
did better than the Sam Raimi films.
Normally I don’t like it when they double up on the villains,
However, this is done well in this movie, mainly because the Shocker is not in
that many scenes. He is in the scene where he is needed and that is it. They
even hint at the Scorpion as a future villain.
The others from the Avengers films are in it too and Captain
America is used to comical effect. As a
matter of fact, there is almost more comedy in this movie then there is action.
I laughed through most of the film.
Now the reason for the photo above. I love that they paid
tribute to the Lee/Ditko story of Spider-Man working up the courage to push
himself out from under debris when the Vulture traps him with it.
Now the parts I didn’t like. First is there are a couple of
spots where a cuss word of two is used. Not many. Just a couple, but if you’re
like me and don’t like cussing I think you should be warned. Another thing is
when a character playfully gives Peter the finger. For me that is out of place
for a movie like this.
Now comes what seems to be turning into a long debate for
comic book fans, changing characters races for racial diversity. I have nothing
against African-American, Asian or Hindu characters in my comics or films.
However, please create new characters if you want them. Liz Allen is now half
African-America and the Vulture is her dad!!! Flash Thompson is now Hindu, almost
as smart as Peter, a part time party DJ and not a tall, white, muscle bound,
Captain of the football team athlete who bullies Peter. He just calls him names
in front of the other students.
With the character that Zendaya plays in the movie they kind
of did a new character while they changed the race of a character. That’s
confusing if you haven’t seen the movie yet, so you’ll have to see it to find
out what I mean.
Over all it’s a good movie, but the ones directed by Sam
Raimi, at least the first 2, were better. Comparing this to DC’s Wonder Woman I
would have to say that, I can’t believe I’m saying it, Wonder Woman is better. Still I’m glad I saw it and I can’t wait to
see more of the Marvel movies in the near future.
I give is 4 out of 5 stars. Barely but it does get 4 stars.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
The Door Into Murder Now on Kindle
The latest in the Joshua Adams mystery series is now available. The Door Into Murder is now on Kindle and in print. You can get it at the link below or to the right side. If you are in the area on May 6th 2017 I will be a Comic Book World in Florence, Ky to promote my books.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Second Volume in the Joshua Adams mystery series is now available
The latest Joshua Adams Mystery is now for sale on createspace. It's called The Door Into Murder and you can get it at this link It is also now for sale on at this link
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/23/16
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/22/16
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Working Titles
When you watch a TV show you don't think too much about what the show is called. However, it is a very big problem if the show has a bad name. It's the first thing that the audience knows about the show. So most shows have working titles if they can't come up with a good one for awhile.
Most fans of the Dick Van Dyke Show know that before Dick Van Dyke was cast, it was called Head of the Family. Carl Reiner was the creator of the show and in the pilot was cast as the star. The producers convinced him to step behind the camera more because they said, while he wrote it about his life, that he wasn't right for the part. Eventually they got Dick Van Dyke who was just off of a hit Broadway play called Bye, Bye Birdie. While they produced it the show had more working titles before it aired. One of them was Full House. That title would find a home on a hit show decades later. Others were, All in a Day's Work and Double Trouble. Another show they produced was Make Room for Daddy with Danny Thomas. It was starting to be called by the public as the Danny Thomas Show. They knew if the show was a hit that the public would start calling it the Dick Van Dyke Show. They decided to beat them to the punch by actually naming it that.
Barney Miller seems like a simple enough title. Name the show after the central character. But it had a working title as well. It was called the Life and Times of Captain Barney Miller. The show was suppose to show what life was like for Barney Miller at home as well as at work. At home he was not in charge but at work he was. They found out they got more laughs from where he worked and eventually that took over the whole show. The name of the show was Barney Miller in most of the world but in Spain it was Vida y milagros del Capitán Miller. That loosely translates into the Life and Miracles of Captain Miller.
I don't know much about the origin of the name for the show Spin City. I do know it's working title was just "Spin." What I find interesting is that in Germany it was called Chaos City.
One show that I never understood the title to was Just Shoot Me. It didn't make much sense to me. I did some research but it still didn't enlighten me on how they came up with this title. I did find that in Germany it was called Shooting Stars. In Norway it was called Blush. Norway's title made more sense. They named it after the fictional magazine that they all worked for.

Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/20/2016
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/19/2016
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/18/2016
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
New cover for Project: Hero
Here is the new look on the cover for the first paperback book in the Project: Hero series. It is on sale now at this link You can get 10% off at check out if you use code KBNCLFGB.
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/16 and 11/17/2016
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/15/16
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Monday, November 14, 2016
New Publisher and Look for Last Train to Murder and Other Stories
Dinky Publishing is proud to announce that Last Train to Murder and Other Stories is now officially under the Dinky Publishing umbrella. It has a new cover and ads for the books that were written by the other authors. You can get the book now at this link ^^^Please share this with any Monkees fan or on any The Monkees Facebook group.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/10/16 and 11/11/16
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on…/…/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til… is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble…/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/9/16
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble …/1014406238… and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip 11/8/16
Get the book Dinky the Elf at any online bookstore. Here are links to it on Here is the link to it at Createspace Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble and this is the link to it on Joseph-Beth #dinkytheelf #dinky #dinkythelf #makedinkybig #dinkypublishing #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook Remember to MAKE DINKY BIG!
Friday, November 04, 2016
Dinky the Elf the comic strip in book form

Go to the Facebook event Make Dinky Big and be entered in a drawing for Nov. 10th to win a copy of this book or go to this link to purchase a copy today #makedinkybig #dinkytheelf #dinkythelf #dinkytheelfthebook #dinkythelfthebook #dinkypublishing
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Make Dinky Big Event
Here is an even that is being held on Facebook.'s make Dinky the Elf a
big seller on Amazon. I have read that in the 50's and 60's, when pop groups
had to get their new song on the charts to boost their careers, they would have
their fan group buy it and it would get them on the local charts. From there it
got more play and got on the national charts. I think that can be done with
books today. If all friends and fans of mine on facebook would buy just one
copy of Dinky the Elf in print or kindle on Amazon, it could make the charts as
an Amazon bestseller. I am making it an event so you can post that you will
commit that you have recently bought one and I can post any updates. If you
already have a copy then buy one as a gift. The event will run from Nov. 4th to
Nov. 17th at 12:01 am Eastern time. To show you I am serious I am lowering the
price of the print book to save you some money. It was $12.95 but it will now
cost $12.28. That is the lowest I can go as it cost almost that much to print
the book, but that is 67 cents you can use someplace else. Here is the link to
it on Amazon
Sunday, October 02, 2016
Here is what they are saying about Dinky the Elf
Here is what people are saying about the book Dinky the Elf. Get your copy today at these and other fine stores. You can click on the links or copy and paste them.
Barnes and Noble
Barnes and Noble
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Where With Great Power Began
"Ok here is something I have been thinking about and want to see if anyone is interested. If you are a comic book fan and a Christian this should appeal to you. I want to put out a book of short stories by various authors that follows the same issue of Amazing Fantasy #15 as it goes from person to person from the first day that it hits the newstands to the present. I will write the first two stories and each other Author would take a turn writing one or two stories till we get to the end, which I plan to write, unless someone else comes up with a good ending. The profits from the book will go to a Christian missionary who works for Campus Crusade for Christ named Kelley Will. Message me if you want to do this. No date as to when I will need the stories but I hope to have them all real soon to make the book before Christmas. But the date can change."
Well the date did change. I found out that Christmas of that year was too close to do all that had to be done for the book. But it became the book With Great Power and it is still raising money for charity today. Here is links to it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Joseph-Beth, and
Barnes and Noble in paperback and in Nook
Don't forget to look for our ad in Cemetery Plots #2. It's available now at all fine comic books shops.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
New Town, New Comic Book
I’ve heard that most people say that it is their sense of
smell that brings back memories to them. I can’t recall a time when smell did
that for me. For me it has always been sight or hearing. Lately, I have been
reading a lot of Marvel comics’ Essential series. Right now I’m reading Volume
7 of the Essential Spider-Man. The first story in this series is a reprint of
#138. It was the very first comic book I bought when my family moved to the
town where I still live. I recalled buying it at the local convenient store
that was just a block and a half away from my new home. It was called Stop and
Go. The store is still in that area and moved a half a block closer but I’m not
in that house anymore. It’s also now called the Dairy Mart. I remember thinking
how lucky I was to have a store that close sell comic books. You see, before we
moved, the closest store that sold comics where I lived was at least a mile
away. That lucky feeling didn’t last too long. In less
than 6 months they stopped selling comic books. A local drug store, that was about
5 blocks in the opposite direction and across the town’s main highway, was now
my closest connection. It was still closer than a mile away, but it wasn’t like
having them as your next door neighbor. The good thing about the drug store is that I
had to pass it on my way home from school. Sometimes I made a quick stop there
to see what books were out.
It’s now rare to find any convenient stores or drug stores
that sell comic books. Comic book specialty stores are now where most people
have to find them. If you are a comic
book fan, and lucky enough to live a block away from your local comic book store,
then cherish that feeling.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
The Amazing Spider-Man: Looming Large
Here are 10 covers from the Amazing Spider-Man that show the image of Spider-Man looming large in the background as he cast a shadow over the action on the cover. Don't forget that you can also get the short story book With Great Power that shows how Spider-Man and his motto loom large for other people on decisions they have to make in life. Get it at this Amazon link
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