Sunday, August 05, 2007

Hawk and Dove action figures

From Polite Dissent is the above diorama of the Hawk and the Dove. If possible they may be bigger Hawk and the Dove fans then I am. They have also, on the pages I recently viewed, discussed the second series of Hawk and Dove. It lasted longer then the first series but I still prefer the first series. I loked the way Ditko started the first series trying to teach people the difference between the law and justice. Hawk was still more militant but the new Dove was at times able to soften Hank up. I'll save more of this for another posting.
The action figures above are great. I got them when they first came out. I have always wanted Hawk and Dove action figures and I finally got them. Hey I had to get them as you may never see them again. They came with a figure of Wonder Woman as the three of them appeared together on Justice League Unlimted. I seem to have lost my Wonder Woman figure but I think it fell behind the book case and I will see it again once I can move the case.

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