Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Iron Man Movie Trailer

For those who have not seen this on the internet or TV yet here it is. I saw it on TV about a week ago and haven't seen it anywhere else since. My only question is who is the bad guy? He doesn't seem to be fighting any supervillian. What is the sense in having a superhero movie if he isn't fighting a supervillian? You can say what you want about the first Hulk movie but at least he fought the Absorbing Man.


Paul E. Schultz said...

I've waited a LONG time for this and I'm with you all the way. What good is a super hero without a supervilian? Maybe they're saving it for later. The animated Iron Man DVD was good (which these previews look a lot like), but they really screwed around with the Mandarin too much for me. A lot of people didn't like The Incredible Hulk, but I loved it.

Rick L. Phillips said...

I didn't like the animated movie. I stopped watching it half way through.

Paul E. Schultz said...

Give it a second chance. I didn't care for it the first time I watched it, but it got pretty good the second time. The Dr. Strange DVD is pretty sweet, by the way.

Rick L. Phillips said...

Maybe I will rent it again someday and see if I have changed my mind.