If this posting seems a bit out of place it is because I originally wrote it only to appear on Plastic Man Platitudes. Then I decided that I probably should put it on most of my other sites.
Wow! I didn't know that Plas made an appearance in this book. When I was a kid I watched the TV show but I only had the first issue of the comic book. So I never knew that it reached 36 issues. I tell you Plastic Man shows up in the doggonest places in the DC universe. Maybe one day I will post this on my other site Mail It To Team Up. Till then you can see the cover here.
Also, I have a name for anyone with a G rated comic site who submits anything about Plastic Man that I post here. It is P.A.L. and it stands for P.lastic Man A.dmiration L.eague. If you submit something that I post here I will also provide a link back to your site. I will not post everything I get. That goes for comments on this page. I recently saw something on the internet that showed Plas in the shape of what many may have considered innocent but it offended me so I won't do that as I think if I am offended then it may do the same to someone else. On another site I had someone comment about a person I posted a blog about. It made reference to their sexual practice and could have hurt that person and anyone who knew them if they read it. Things like that I will not post. I will also post this one my other sites. So I guess the cover will wind up on Mail It To Team-Up.
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