Saturday, February 25, 2006

Major Matt Mason In Moon Mission from the BIG little Books

A long time ago in this land of ours young readers could get what were called Big Little Books. I know it is an oxymoron. Really it was a play on words if you will. You see they were children's books. The featured characters that were popular at the time. In the 60's it was Batman, Aquaman, Frankenstein Jr., Shazzan etc. Here we are talking about the one called Moon Mission starring Major Matt Mason. I have already mentioned the Major twice on this site. Once here. and another time here. The above photo I got from this auction site as I no longer have the book. I did get it once a long time ago. Back in 1969 I believe. I was with my Mom and she was having me fitted for new shoes. This store gave all their children shoe customers a big little book and mine was this book. These were really short stories with pictures in them. This story revolved around another astronaught gone missing and Major Matt Mason and Sgt. Storm are sent to investigate. I recently found a site that has the story on it. You can read it by clicking here. For some reason the Big Little Books didn't really catch on with me. Oh I liked them but they were nothing compared to my favorite comic books. Perhaps it was that they didn't come out every month with regular characters. I wanted to read about Major Matt Mason since I liked this story but I knew there was little chance that there would be another one. So no sense in getting hooked on them. If you want to read more about the Major and his adventures in publishing you can click on the links above or on Monday go to Dial B for Blog. I see he will have a posting on the Major in the comic books. Posted by Picasa

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