Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Where With Great Power Began

It was on this date, Sept. 20th 2012, that I placed this ad for authors to contribute to a book.
"Ok here is something I have been thinking about and want to see if anyone is interested. If you are a comic book fan and a Christian this should appeal to you. I want to put out a book of short stories by various authors that follows the same issue of Amazing Fantasy #15 as it goes from person to person from the first day that it hits the newstands to the present. I will write the first two stories and each other Author would take a turn writing one or two stories till we get to the end, which I plan to write, unless someone else comes up with a good ending. The profits from the book will go to a Christian missionary who works for Campus Crusade for Christ named Kelley Will. Message me if you want to do this. No date as to when I will need the stories but I hope to have them all real soon to make the book before Christmas. But the date can change."
Well the date did change. I found out that Christmas of that year was too close to do all that had to be done for the book. But it became the book With Great Power and it is still raising money for charity today. Here is links to it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Joseph-Beth, and Lulu.com
Amazon http://tinyurl.com/gmdpncs
Barnes and Noble in paperback http://tinyurl.com/zv4ggwm and in Nook http://tinyurl.com/jpjzrvw
Joseph-Beth http://tinyurl.com/gsvtv9r
Lulu.com http://tinyurl.com/o7qw9zl
Don't forget to look for our ad in Cemetery Plots #2. It's available now at all fine comic books shops.

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