Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Alexander the Great comment

If any of you have read Keith's comment on Alexander the Great pilot that starred William Shatner and Adam West you know that he made an excellent observation. Yes I said it was done in 1968. That is the date I got from the book Unsold TV Pilots. Also Shatner was quoted as saying that it helped him prepare for Capt. Kirk. A role that he had played starting in 1966. So how could this have been filmed in 1968? It couldn't! I can only imagine that the date in the book is the date the pilot aired on TV. Unsold TV Pilots said that it aired in the show Off To See The Wizard. According to the Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows that series aired on ABC from Sept of 1967 to Sept of 1968. It is possible that having the Alexander the Great pilot all done and paid for they aired it then because it had Batman in the cast. Star Trek didn't take off till it hit syndication in the 1970's. So I doubt the network executives cared that it also had Captain Kirk as the star of the show. The official production date of Alexander the Great would have to be before 1966. If Keith or anyone knows where I can get a copy of this please let me know. I would like to see it. I probably did see it on Off to See the Wizard as I watched it at that time but I was aboiut 6 or 7 then and I can't remember everything. Thanks for the heads up Keith and for keeping me honest.

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